3.12 Transformations
- Graph a translation in a coordinate plane.
- Recognize that a translation is an isometry.
- Use vectors to represent a translation.
- Use this image of Rinus Roelof’s tetrahedron sculpture.
- This is Figure 12.01.01
- http://www.mathpaint.blogspot.com/2007/04/structures-by-rinus-roelofs.html
- Use this to show the students the vectors that can be drawn from one tetrahedron to the next tetrahedron.
- This shows length and direction.
- Discuss the various components of the sculpture.
- Ask students to identify all of the different elements of the sculpture.
- Students can then draw a design of their own using different three- dimensional solids or one solid as Roelof
did. - Have students identify any and all solids as well as the vectors in the design.
- Allow time for the students to share their designs.
- This is a great website to explore translations.
- http://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Geometry/Translation.shtml
- Students can read all about vectors and isometry.
- Then there is an interactive section where the students can manipulate the figure in the box.
- Students can use this to demonstrate their understanding.
- Have students work in pairs on this task.
- Assess student understanding through discussion.
- Ask questions to be sure that the students understand the key elements of this lesson.
- They should have an understanding of isometry, vectors and translations.
3.12. Transformations