EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

never discover the depth of my own being.” So it all
appeared frustratingly unimportant.

An inward voice kept probing with admonitions
similar to the one given to Horatio, in the
Shakespearean play, Hamlet:

“There are more things in heaven and earth
... than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”^2
In an effort to break out of the boundaries of
‘normalcy’ – imposed by friends, by society, and
by my own mind – I started exploring nearly every
new philosophy or belief system that crossed my
path. A longing for lasting answers drove me to
become somewhat of a recluse. Once again, an
inward sense of desperation became “the raw
building material necessary for constructing a
new life.”

After years of being somewhat insensitive, I
turned my gaze once again toward religion, more
importantly, toward spirituality. I was raised a
Roman Catholic. Until my early teens I was very
devoted, but the idea that one religion was the
only way to God, to the exclusion of all others, just
seemed too narrow-minded, too unreasonable.
Besides, I decided I could no longer embrace

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