EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

in the right direction. Little did I anticipate the
unique turns my life would take before reaching
my goal. The first main milestone in the road was
an encounter with ...

New Religious Concepts

I began reading a lot of literature that opened
the door to new philosophies, metaphysical
ideas and Far Eastern religions. Over a period
of months I visited a wide spectrum of written
works, like Ayn Rand and her philosophy of
“Objectivism” (Atlas Shrugged), Herman Hess
(Siddhartha), Levi Dowling (The Aquarian Gospel),
Meher Baba (God Speaks), Helena Blavatsky (The
Secret Doctrine), and books by various gurus and
out-of-the-box thinkers. New phraseology filled
up my mind, words like: reincarnation, karma,
yoga, astral projection, soul travel, mantras,
chakras, the third eye, nirvana, Ascended
Masters, self-realization and God-consciousness.
All of these concepts exploded in me with a fiery
fervor to know more.

I joined an Edgar Cayce meditation group in
Orlando, Florida. It was very easy to adapt to
their approach because they used “The Lord’s

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