EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

Hatha Yoga. This centered on physical exercises
(asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama),
both of which were aimed at opening supposed
invisible, spiritual ‘energy centers’ in the body
referred to as chakras.

Our daily routine included the study of various
religious writings, like the Bhagavad-Gita and the
Veda s (ancient Hindu Scriptures). Then there was
participation in nightly yoga classes taught by
others in the ashram for the local community.

Every waking hour and every activity, even
bathing and eating meals, was controlled by a
prearranged discipline. We were motivated by
the supreme goal of all ashram devotees – our
souls (atman) blending into oneness with the
Oversoul (Brahman). We were totally committed
to the process.

Peculiar and pleasant things began happening
to me: a deep sense of peace, occasional out-
of-body excursions into the ‘astral realm,’ vivid
spiritual dreams. The suffocating control of the
natural realm seemed to be easing its grip and
the ‘veil’ of flesh-consciousness, lifting.

A kind of spiritual adrenaline surged through
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