EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

Monumental Moments

It’s easy now to look back and see the primary
turning points: the songs, books, insights,
experiences, relationships, and new ideas
that triggered profound changes in my belief
system. At times, when I thought I was thinking
‘independently,’ I was simply caught up by some
megatrend – with millions of others who also
thought they were thinking ‘independently.’

Then there were supernatural influences: times
when God intervened in my life, and times when
dark, malevolent beings made a play for my soul.
Sometimes these turning points were positive
and powerful; at other times, they were negative
and painful. However, they are all monumental

When I look back, I feel their worth and
significance all over again. It’s as if pillar-like
monuments have been erected in the depth of my
being that I can revisit from time to time, until
fresh, heartfelt worship ascends, like incense,
toward the One who knew the end from the
beginning and gave me grace, in advance, to
complete the journey.

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