EncountEring GOD - Deeper Revelation Books

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Highest Adventure

“Lord JESUS, I receive you into my
heart as my Savior and Lord. I sincerely
repent of all my sins and wrong beliefs.
Forgive me according to Your promise.
Wash me in the blood You shed on Calvary.
By faith, I receive Your gift of eternal life. I
pray You will fill me with Your Holy Spirit,
Your goodness and Your love. I acknowledge
that You died for the sins of the world and
that You arose from the dead to reign forever. I
accept You now as Lord of my life and I believe
I will spend eternity in Your presence.”
You don’t have to repeat this prayer word-for-
word in a mechanical way. Just use it as a guide
revealing the correct kind of terminology to
use and the right approach to take. Feel free to
express yourself creatively and spontaneously. Be
sincere with God, and He will come to you.

Also, be assured that we sincerely care about
you and about your spiritual growth. We
encourage you to contact us and let us know you
have given your heart and life to the Lord Jesus.
We want to help you on your journey. n

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