The Treasurer’s Guide to Trade Finance

(Martin Jones) #1

Chapter 6 The use of documents in trade

process, especially when the documents
need authentication by a third party.

Documentary collection

A documentary collection shifts the balance
of risk from the exporter slightly towards
the importer, compared with open account
terms. Unlike the latter, where the goods
are exchanged on presentation of the
appropriate document of title, under a
documentary collection the importer takes
control of the goods on presentation of
an appropriate document of title (typically,
the same documents which would be
presented under open account terms)
together with some form of commitment
to pay (typically a bill of exchange). (See
page 111 for more information on how a bill
of exchange works.)

A bill of exchange

The document exchange is usually
administered through the importer’s bank. The
bank has the responsibility of ensuring the
documents presented match the documents
required under the terms of the contract.
Broadly speaking, there are two different
types of collection.
ƒ Collection against payment.
Under these circumstances the
documents are exchanged for immediate
(sight) payment. This provides relative
security of payment for the seller, as long
as the required documents are in order,

and allows the seller to predict the timing
of the collection of payment.
ƒ Collection against acceptance.
Under these circumstances the documents
are exchanged for a bill of exchange. The
bill of exchange will have been accepted
(signed) by the importer, indicating
payment will be made on the future date
indicated on the bill of exchange. This
allows the importer to manage its cash
flow, whilst providing additional security to
the seller in the form of the accepted bill.
This also allows the seller to predict the
timing of the collection of payment.

Note: in some cases, a clean collection
process is used whereby only the bill of
exchange is passed between the banks.
The documents of title are sent directly
from the seller to the buyer and there is no
link between the two. A clean collection is
therefore more like open account trading,
as the seller can take title of the goods
without committing to making a payment.

Understanding the documentary
collection process

The process of documentary collection



(^3) Buyer

  1. Drawer writes bill of exchange on
    drawee (a bank or the drawer’s
    customer) and sends it to drawee

  2. Drawee accepts bill (and becomes
    acceptor) and sends bill back to

  3. On due date, drawee will honour the
    bill by paying the face value to the





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Physical movement of goods

Movement of commercial
Payment or movement of financial
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