The Treasurer’s Guide to Trade Finance

(Martin Jones) #1


Trade information

Key trading partners

Imports by origin

USA 49.8%
China 14.9%
EU 10.8%
Japan 4.7%
South Korea 3.9%
Other 15.9%

Source: WTO, September 2012

Exports by destination

USA 78.7%
EU 5.5%
Canada 3.1%
China 1.7%
Colombia 1.6%
Other 9.4%

Mexico imports exports

residents in Mexico’s northern border area
or the regions of Baja California and Baja
California Sur.
ƒ Non-resident companies can hold local
currency bank accounts within Mexico.

ƒ Non-resident companies must register
foreign currency accounts held in Mexico
with the authorities.

Principal exports
Manufactured goods, oil and oil products, silver,
fruits, vegetables, coffee and cotton.

ƒ Commercial invoice (with complete
description of goods to be imported), bill
of lading, packing list and, sometimes, a
certificate of origin. Certificates of inspection
may also be required for imports of raw
materials and/or evidence of compliance
with regulations.
ƒ Commercial invoice (with complete
description of goods to be exported), bill
of lading, packing list and, sometimes, a
certificate of origin.

ƒ Of 12,149 items subject to general tariffs, 129
require a licence from the Ministry of Economy.
ƒ Branded patent medicines, food products
and drinks must be registered with the
Ministry of Health.
ƒ Exports of petroleum products and their
derivatives, narcotic substances, some iron
ore and weapons require licences.
ƒ Exports of industrial raw diamonds require
a licence in accordance with the Kimberley
Certification Process.
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