vi The Treasurer’s Guide to Trade Finance
I would like to thank the many people who helped me in the production of this book.
Steve Hinch (Cambridge Glasshouse), Kevin Deery (Kingspan) and Andrew Coulson
(London Borough of Camden) all agreed to share experiences at their respective
Martin O’Donovan, Assistant Director, Policy and Technical, the Association of
Corporate Treasurers, and Mark Ling, Head of Trade & Supply Chain Origination,
Transaction Services UK, RBS, provided much constructive and insightful advice, as
well as invaluable comment on the main body of the text.
A vital contribution has been made by the sponsors of the book: Royal Bank of
Scotland. Colleagues have explained how their customers around the world use
trade finance techniques. Mike Regan, Manoj Menosh, Kenneth Tan, Arthur Sun and
Jonathan Jiang provided comment on some of the text.
Moreover, the unstinting support, coordination and advice provided by Mark Ling and
Esther Chan at Royal Bank of Scotland, and Peter Matza, Engagement Director, the
Association of Corporate Treasurers, has been a crucial part of the production process.
On behalf of WWCP, I would like to extend our thanks to all of the above.
Guy Voizey
April 2013