Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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116 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

2 PHP-Nuke is a free software released under the GNU/GPL license. http://www.phpnuke.org
3 Cfr. for example: De Kerckhove, Derrick (1997), Connected intelligence: the arrival of the
web society, edited by Wade Rowland, London: Kogan Page
4 In technical terms, he has a forum post dedicated to the project, and not an entire forum.
The post is opened by the teaching assistants and t then updated by the student just using
the “post reply” tool.
5 We realized, then, that once established as a stable place for networking of the lab, the
website requires much less effort to be managed. It lives almost autonomously.
6 In the quotation is described the theory of the “life sharing” as subject of an interesting
work developed by the group 0100101110101101.ORG (the artists Eva and Franco Matten)
in 2000. It has been exhibited at the Walker Art Center A short text is available on the
web at: http://0100101110101101.org/home/life_sharing/concept.html


Web server and networking system "archinet": http://archinet.uniroma3.it/
Installed in 2001 at the Design Labs of Roma Tre Faculty of Architecture.

concept: Arch. Stefano Converso
webing: Ing. Nicola Campopiano
sysadmin: Saverio Salatino (2001-2003), Francesco Marasco (2004-2006)

Main Technologies used:
Content Management System php-Nuke 6.0, scripting language PHP on MySQL database sys-
Linux Debian and Slackware operating systems, webserver Apache 2.0 with webDAV module
and SCP secure tranfer

The system is part of the research network "UniET" (Università Emittente Telematica).
The network main server is hosted by C.A.S.P.U.R. Consortium
http://www.uniet.it/; http://www.caspur.it/

UniET director: Prof. Daniele Gambarara
CASPUR partner: Dott. Ugo Contino

Courses at Roma Tre University Faculty of Architecture that used or still use the system:
(An updated list of the classes active on the server is published on the home page)

2001 Italian Seminar "Villard3" 12 italian faculties of architecture. Directed by Prof. Alberto
Ferlenga IUAV Venice
2002-2003 2003-2004 Design Lab 3A. Prof. Francesco Cellini
2005-2006, 2006-2007 Design Lab 1A. Prof. Mario Panizza
2005-2006 Design Lab 2B. Prof. Lorenzo Dall'Olio
2005-2006, 2006-2007 Design Lab 2C. Prof. Michele Furnari
2005-2006, 2006-2007 Design Lab 3C and digital archive. Prof. Andrea Vidotto
2005-2006 International Conference "REProject". Directed by Prof. Andrea Vidotto
2005-2006 Design Lab 1M/Workshops Proff. F.Careri, F.Cellini, V.Quilici
2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 Project Estimation class. Prof. Alfredo Passeri
2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 European Doctorate Program "Villard D'Honnecourt". coor-
dinated by IUAV Venice
2006- 2007 Design Lab 2M Prof. Francesco Cellini

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