Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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Rivka Oxman Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, Haifa, Israel 181

mated techniques were employed to produce these dynamic simulations and performa-
tive effects. The objective in this model is that the formation of the skin/structure
assembly will be generated by multiple performative conditions, all of which are
dynamic. This condition of design models, that support multiple performative analyses
in their componentized assembly, is highly representative of complex wall assemblies.
In this case, the design objective is to support the dynamic behaviour in the various
components in response to the dynamic nature of the wind and light loadings of the
building surface. Animation studies were employed to model the formation process
in which form generation was controlled according to types of simulations.

Figure 4
Performance-based Design
(by Shoham Ben Ari and Roey Hammer – Technion)

Summary and conclusions

Our experimental teaching is based on the integration of a theoretical module and an
experimental module, both carried out in the framework of an experimental digital
design studio.
The theoretical module emphasizes the departure from paper-based design con-
cepts and sketch-based design that is based on visual representation and modification
of images in design. We define the decline and transformation of root concepts in
design theory such as representation, precedent-based design, typologies, and other
principles of the visual literacy school of design pedagogy. New body of concepts such
as hyper-continuities; connectivity and differentiation; morphogenesis, generative
and performance-based design; materialization and production; etc. are introduced
as a new theoretical basis. These are defined as a set of concepts deriving from the
synergy of the digital technologies and the new theoretical discourse.
The second module is an experimental studio that is conceived of as the exploration
of design research in digital design. It emphasizes digital design as a form of integrat-
ing a theoretical architectural content and a design method. The designation of the
studio as an “experimental design studio” serves to free the student from expectations
related to conventional processes involving functional programs, the conventionalized
design sequence from concept, to space, to project representation, etc.
The process is not “project-oriented” in the conventional understanding of the term.

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