Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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218 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

  • Choreography/movement. All students involved themselves in movement, dance
    and the idea of choreography, the moving body in relation to building and land-
    scape. The first day was critical for total immersion. After that, enough students
    felt they owned the project sufficiently to move freely. With guidance from the
    dancers it allowed them to reflect on how we fill the spaces we design.

  • The performance was important as an end point. It gave the students a goal to
    reach, but more importantly it provided them with the opportunity to be part
    of an event that was itself a creative piece. The immediacy of this was in stark
    contrast to the usual models, drawing and virtual reality of the output for standard
    design projects that can only ever be representative of the artefact.

  • Recording Students recorded their work at every stage. This enabled them to see
    that their work was emerging out of the process, and the process itself was impor-
    tant. In many cases their diaries became small artworks of investigation, with a
    mixture of experimental image making, and research into other artists, disability,
    anthropometrics etc. Drawings and images that had emerged were created and
    used in the final performance.

  • Impact as a preamble to architectural design. Although the performance and dia-
    ries are about this particular project, we hope that the experience will act as a
    point of departure for the students’ next project, and inform a continuing design


1 Juhani Pallasmaa from his essay An Architecture of the Seven Senses Questions of Percep-
tion Steven Holl, Juhani Pallasmaa, Alberto Perez-Gomez Chapter-. ISBN 4-900211-48-
2 Rachel Sara, Alice Sarah from their paper Between the Lines: Experiencing Space Through
Dance, CEBE Transactions, Vol 3, Issue 1, April 2006, pp 95-105 (11) ISBN 1745-0322

Invited Artists

Artists: Belinda Mitchell, Trish Bould Kathy Oldridge, Mitchell Bould Artists, Jon Adams
Dancers: Isolte Avala, David Bower Charlie, Signdance Collective
Musicians: Luke Barlow, Mark, Alex, Leron, Luke Barlow Band



Questions of Perception Holl, Pallasmaa Perez-Gomez
The Eyes of the Skin. Architecture and the Senses Juhani Pallasmaa
Between the Lines: Experiencing Space Through Dance, CEBE Transactions, Vol 3, Issue 1, April
2006, pp 95-105 (11) ISBN: 1745-0322 (Online)

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