Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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242 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

digital data presentation. Final
jury review has been realized
successfully at the FA STU.
Such form of long distance
learning will continue at the FA
STU. Experience from the first
applications must therefore lead
to improvement of the teach-
ing and technology facilities.
Emphasis lay in the appropri-
ate technology equipment for
the long distance defence of
students' projects with more
sophisticated audio-video


All presented studies had common methodological features. Basic information about
the project, specific data entries, building regulation, site references and photos
have been available on a server through hypertext organized web pages linked with
other important sources. More that final design result we were oriented on design
methods influenced by ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). Videocon-
ferencing enables the visual presentation of design in real time. In the architectural
education it represents the method for verification of design quality. On the other
hand, professors and students have an opportunity to join the design process even
if they are on abroad station. By the means of videoconferencing tools the education
converges to practice and therefore could represent the important methodology tool
in architectural education.
Such form of long distance learning will continue at the FA STU. Experience from
the first applications must therefore lead to improvement of the teaching and tech-
nology environment. Emphasis lays in the appropriate technology equipment for the
long distance defence of student projects; (so as the running with the camera and
microphone during the videoconference sessions seemed nearly comic); with more
sophisticated audio-video devices, beepers and back-up power supply.


Dobson, A.: Digital Creativity – Architectural Design in the Electronic Age. In: Architekonické
listy FA STU, Vol.10, 2006, Nos. 3-4. pp.33-50
Joklová, V.: E-learning and Information and Communication Technologies in Architecture and
Landscape Design. In: Architekonické listy FA STU, Vol.10, 2006, Nos. 3-4. pp.75-91
Košco, I.: Ukážka využitia videokonferencií v štúdiu architektúry. In: Architekonické listy FA
STU, Vol.10, 2006, Nos. 3-4. pp.60-67
Lizon, P.: Distant Learning Education of an Architectural Design Studio and of a Theory and

Fig. 9
Videoconference consultations with professor Lizon via
VRVS system

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