Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

(backadmin) #1

Marko Savic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgarde, Serbia 257

This work has a task to present a methodology for the process of harmonizing
the learning outcomes and re-thinking the curriculum on the Faculty of Architecture
University of Belgrade.

The main aspects of influence in this process are set as follow:

  • Bologna Process (forming of EHEA – European Higher Education Area);

  • Architecture (as the field of education, research and legislative), and

  • Education (or educational psychology, as the key for instructional design).

Bologna, modules, outcomes & competences

The most important principles of the Bologna process, connected with curriculum
development, could be presented as follows:

  • Study programs in cycles – as gradation;

  • ECTS – as the measure for the student’s workload;

  • Modularity – as the mechanism for optimization;

  • Learning outcomes – as the teaching goals, and

  • Competences – as the professional measure of reaching the learning outcomes.

Curriculum for any study program consists of MODULES and COURSES, and has its
own complex structure.
Different types of connections and levels of coordination between those parts
should be reached:

  • STRUCTURAL – harmonization between courses in the same module;

  • VERTICAL – hierarchy in the fields of study, gradually, through semesters and study

  • HORIZONTAL – synchronization between different modules in the same semester

  • DIAGONAL – preparation for the further modules in the different fields of study

Generally, modularity:

  • anticipates excessive curricular particularity

  • decreases number of exams

  • makes the mobility easier


  • reduces the teacher’s autonomy.

That is why, irrespective of advantages, modules are not so popular in contemporary
(reformed) study programs.
Each MODULE and COURSE should be defined through:

  • SYLLABUS - content, subject matter

  • TEACHING METHODOLOGY - the way of teaching

  • LEARNING OUTCOMES - final result of the teaching/learning process

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