Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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Marko Savic University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgarde, Serbia 261

Education, educational psychology, Bloom’s taxonomies

A next level of research is focused on the principles of educational psychology.
There are some useful theories / methods / definitions, or tools which can help
in the process of the development of the module and course curriculum. I have found
out Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomies^3 of the cognitive and affective domain appropriate
for the field of architecture^4.

In short, taxonomy in cognitive domain has six levels:

  • KNOWLEDGE - Recalling important information

  • COMPREHENSION - Explaining important information

  • APPLICATION - Solving closed-ended problems

  • ANALYSIS - Solving open-ended problems

  • SYNTHESIS - Creating ‘unique’ answers to problems, and

  • EVALUATION - Making critical judgments

In the revision of Bloom's taxonomy^5 , his successors and former cooperates discuss
about the position of the last two levels (synthesis and evaluation), so, in this
research, we will treat them as on an equal level.

Taxonomy of an affective domain has the following five levels:

  • RECEIVING PHENOMENA - Awareness, willingness to hear, selected attention

  • RESPONDING TO PHENOMENA - Active participation, willingness to respond, or
    satisfaction in responding (motivation)

  • VALUING - The worth or value a person attaches to a particular object, phenom-
    enon, or behavior

  • ORGANIZATION - Comparing, relating, and synthesizing values, and

  • INTERNALIZING VALUES - Behavioral characteristic of the learner (personal, social,

The second step

The second step in this methodological research is to compare the domains of the
competences defined in the first matrix. On axis, colors show the domain and level
of competence. In matrix fields, colors (blue, red and green) explain the character of
the overlapping points. This character should implicate the teaching method through
which the learning outcome should be reached. The blue fields imply the focus on
education, the red ones on pedagogy, and the green fields imply the complex didacti-
cal approach. The type of approach in instruction should be very important for the
defining the learning outcomes.

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