Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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264 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

The Future step - Case study - Implementation

In the reformed study program, the Design Project (Studio work) modules have been
accepted as the integrative element of the whole curriculum. Semester after semester,
changing the focus (introduction, architecture, urbanism, technologies), the studio
remains the didactical unit preparing the students for the different aspects of solving
architectural problems. The studio becomes the unique model for the teaching/learn-
ing activities for achieving the learning outcomes in all three partitions. This is of
particular interest for the students which, simulating the future professional activities,
start to understand architecture as a polyvalent and multidisciplinary field. Also, they
are in the position to develop generic and professional competencies concerning the
holistic character of architecture.

The Tuning project has developed the methodology which has shown its perform-
ances in other educational fields. ENHSA has launched the test phase of the TUNING
process in the field of architecture. The Faculty in Belgrade will also participate in
the forthcoming TEMPUS SCM regional cooperation program “Recognition of archi-
tectural degrees in CARDS countries based on competences and learning outcomes”
with the aim to map and harmonize the assumptive competences between different
schools. The main goal is to improve the mobility and multilateral recognition of
the qualification.

Operationally, steps in this process should be:

  • generating learning outcomes from competences matrix

  • positioning outcomes in curriculum structure

  • analyzing the overlapping and convergence

  • modifying the syllabus

  • modifying the teaching methods, and finally,

  • developing /re-thinking/ the curriculum.


1 Nikolic V.,Savic M.,Timotijevic M.: ”Studije po evropskim standardima: Univerzitet u Beogradu

  • Arhitektonski fakultet 2006”, UB-AF, Belgrade, 2006
    2 Doevendans K. & van Bronswijk J.: ”Ready to Start a 21st Century of Architectural Higher
    Education”, in Spiridonidis C. & Voyatzaki M. (Ed.): ”Shaping the European Higher Education
    Area” EAAE, 2003.
    3 - Bloom, B., Englehart, M. Furst, E., Hill, W., & Krathwohl, D.: “Taxonomy of educational
    objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain”, Longmans,
    Green, New York, Toronto 1956.

  • Krathwohl, D. R., Bloom, B. S., & Bertram, B. M.: “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives,
    the Classification of Educational Goals. Handbook II: Affective Domain”. David McKay Co.,
    Inc., New York 1973.
    4 with exception of the psychomotor domain, as the third domain in the research of Bloom
    and associates – authors remark.
    5 Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl (Eds.).: “A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A
    Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives”, Longman, New York, 2001.

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