Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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270 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

  • drawing by both hands, (revenge sinister) after all. as well as: drawing in the dark,
    or: drawing colours by colours. Generating colour in computer and finding it in pig-
    ments, or: drawing the invisible, what lays behind, or: moulding simple symmetrical
    objects on pottery wheel, or: print of a stencil on a paper.

Design in design. There are no exact, definitive instructions for design/in design to
be resolved in order to resolve what can and cannot be in the design process – might
become an avenue to new discoveries.
On the other hand, it stopped being important if work is the art or design. Fur-
thermore, the critique of media loses its importance because it is possible to design
own software that would define its own cultural system.
So, beside architetural design, there is information design as well.


1 Considering that this text aspires to position the art in overall architectural education, its
structure tries to follow the structure of architecture, which, as a discipline, is based on
synthesis and interdisciplinary relation between technology and art, so an author tries to
create a text as a hybrid text for its praxis of both the teacher and the artist.
2 Gaston Bachelard in le nouvel esprit scientifique talks about relation between absolute real-
ism and rationalism and change between ”intuitive and direct metaphysics by discoursives
and objectively corrected metaphysics.”

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