Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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280 EAAE no 35 Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design: Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy

Figure 3
Time sequences

Concept 3 – Museum of

The third team named their con-
cept "Museum of Imagination"
(Figure 4). The idea here was
to enclose the old mine in the
structure of a cracked glass box.
In the opinion of the authors, the
simplicity of the illuminated glass
cuboid would help in establishing
communication between the sym-
bolism of regional tradition and
the dynamism of changes in the
history of meanings in the modern
world. The orthogonal in shape
building of the new museum opens
up towards the space around the
buildings of the old mine, as well
as towards the existing buildings
that are important for the city.
A new important axis of the city
becomes clearly marked.

Concept 4 – New Silesian Museum

The fourth team simply called their
concept "New Silesian Museum"
(Figure 5). The concept directly
relates to the principle of a mine's
construction. The main function of
a mine, i.e. coal extraction, takes
place underground. Similarly, in
the presented concept, the muse-
um’s exposition has been placed
on three levels. The old mine’s

Figure 4
Museum of Imagination

Figure 5
New Silesian Museum
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