Teaching and Experimenting with Architectural Design

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Nina Juzwa Marcin Spyra Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Gliwice, Poland 283

idea of a continuous movement, of a form that never stops. They probably required
more time to decide on the grammar, structure and the relation to gravity of the
future building. However the aesthetic expression and the very formal studies of the
conception lead to very satisfying effects of teaching.

The others two teams in their search for a solution stayed nearer the reality. In the
final effect we see the discovering of new visual elements and exploring different
modern technologies, which are shaping reality in space. Based simultaneously on
the tradition of human culture and on regional identity elements, the architecture
apparently includes computer technology added to the new language of physical
attributes. Intuition and common sense are well integrated in the creative and suc-
cessful combination of technical considerations in the presented design.

Concluding remarks

Last years brought on civilisation changes affecting practically all aspects of out lives.
Many expressions have been invented like “global village”, “third wave”, “information
society”, “liquid modernity”, which attempt to name and describe the changes. These
changes also apply to architecture.
Together with the development of digital technology, possibilities have been
created that change our view how architecture should be. The way ideas or archi-
tectural concepts are expressed are directly related to the time in which the object
is being created. The architects see their thoughts as a nearly real object. Between
the designed object and the material result there exists a large difference, a differ-
ence similar to that, that exists between the conceived object-idea and a drawing or
a depiction by a model. The construction of an object: the form, type of structure,
choice of materials – is being created by means of drawings, mock-ups or computer
models. Two main directions – architecture of information and architecture of defor-
mation which appear together, with the expansion of the computer technology seem
to connect the new paradigm of architectural space^2. These changes also modify the
teaching of architectural design in the following:

  1. New, almost unrestricted possibilities of realisation of an object do not free
    academic teachers from the responsibility to convey technical, interdisciplinary
    knowledge needed for the realisation of the function of the object. In architectural
    design it is important that the team of teachers represented various disciplines.

  2. Three tools of the creative work of the architect – a manual sketch, a mock-up
    and a computer model receive the appropriate and relevant role in the process of
    creation^3. During the design process, the concept is being defined in more detail,
    the amount of information about the designed object increases. A sketch contains
    basic information, particularly important for the idea presented by the author.
    The author applies a process of simplification which is largely intuitive. A mock-
    up is built similarly to an object and similarly, gravity applies to it although it
    does not have all the physical properties of a real object. A sketch and a classic
    mock-up made on the basis of drawings are currently replaced by models created
    by means of computer aided design. In comparison to classical methods of work-
    ing, computer aided design is characterised by the ease of application of changes

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