Fig. 5-14. The Window (F). The window is in the most distant plane
of background, but it obscures details in the near background, thus
causing confusion. This is the least desirable of the group, with A the
next least desirable, although A is the position which is supposed to
be essential. (Hibiscus used as subject.)
Fig. 5-15. Angular window. The plane of the window is not neces-
sarily perpendicular to the uisual axis. It may lie at an angle as shown
here, although the position is not recommended for any but demon-
st ra t ion purposes.
scope the mount is not visible, so what difference can it make?
Many stereographers use various colors of mounts to distinguish
among various classes of subject matter. This applies to paper
prints and viewers intended for them.
In modern stereography, the films are mounted in ready pre-
pared mounts. These are occasionally supplied with a special