Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

violet = portrait yellow =group
blue =draped orange = genre
green =nude red =action
If you wish to carry this classification to the extreme you might
consider such a subject as a nude dancer photographed with strobe
light, then at “A” there would be a combined blue and green tab

Fig. 6-6. Realist filing cabinet. The three
drawers hold 48 glass or 96 cardboard mounts.
The lower drawer takes the viewer. This com-
pact cabinet aflords protection for slides and
viewer in easily portable form.

while at “B” there would be a combined red-green tab. Thus you
can provide visual indicia for a whole collection which will enable
you to select any individual slide by reference to an index or to
select any type or group without referring to the index.
Some such classification is essential if the collection is not to
lose its value, because hunting through even two or three hun-
dred slides is such a tedious task that too often the effort will not
be made.
It is difficult to overemphasize the importance of not allowing
your collection to become unwieldly through absence of adequate

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