Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

unmistakable type which is common to the normal stereogram
and which is exhibited to a high degree by the Vectograph.
There is a definite field for the integrated stereogram. It has
been used for years for display in store windows, an excellent
adaptation of the method because the alternating stereo and pla-
nar aspects cause the image actually to move and to draw atten-
tion, If it can be published it will be of greater value, But for
stereo quality, no type of integrated stereogram has yet exhibited
a degree of sufficient quality to be acceptable to the stereographer,
let alone to win him over.
Just what is the situation?
In movies, you must seek the proper head position and you
must maintain that position rigidly. There is nothing you can do
which will so quickly produce an agonizing headache as holding
the head and eyes in one fixed position. If you lean over to whis-
per to your neighbor, you lose the stereo effect.
On the contrary, if the movies are polarized you wear goggles
which are to all intents and purposes identical with the Polaroid
sunglasses you habitually wear out of doors, even to the shape of
the frames. The only difference is an invisible one, the direction
of the axes of polarization. You sit normally, you move about,
you speak with your neighbors, and unless you tip your head to a
decided oblique angle, you continue to see the full stereo relief
upon the screen.
Then what does the integrated stereo have to offer? Inferior
relief and stringent limitations in exchange for the privilege of
taking off your sunglasses!
In still work it is much the same. Relief which satisfies only
those unacquainted with true stereo, changing relief when the
head is moved, necessity for remaining in one of several fixed
positions. You must make an event of looking at the picture. On
the contrary, you hang a Vectograph upon the wall in an illumi-
nated frame and you can sit back and enjoy it from any angle and
from any part of the room, just as you would any picture.
There has been a great deal of time and ingenuity spent upon
the integrated stereogram, and it would appear that this has been
done in order to achieve something which has already been
achieved in a perfectly satisfactory manner.
Finally there is the possibility that the integrated stereogram

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