Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

among projectionists who understand the technique of stereo pro-
jection. The Realist should be ready for the market just about the
time this appears in print.
It has been the privilege of the writer to use both projectors and
as the case with cameras, he feels that each is an excellent value.
The Realist costs considerably more, and it has advantages of con-
struction and performance to warrant the greater cost.
The Stereo Vivid is an excellently made projector. The body is
made of castings instead of the formed sheet metal so common in
projectors. The projector is focused by moving the lens housing
bodily, carrying the two lenses with it. In addition to the focusing
knob, there are two knobs just under the front of the lens housing.
One of these varies the separation of the two images, the other
changes the vertical alignment of the two. In addition to the screw
focusing, one of the lenses has an independent focus so that the

Fig. 12-1. The Stereo Vivid projector takes the
standard 35mm stereogram, measuring 1-5/8x4
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