Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

The focusing dial incorporates an easily read depth of field
scale, a feature of importance in all stereo work.
The coated lenses of f3.5 aperture and 35mm hcus are cou-
pled with a shutter with automatic speeds 1/5 to 1/150. This
range is more than adequate for most stereo work.
The camera measures 61/qx31/gx21/4 inches and is provided with
neck cord loops and standard tripod socket.
Note: This camera is not as yet available although we are in-
formed that it, with one or two others of domestic manufacture
will be ready for the market in 1953.
STEREO REALIST CAMERA. This is the original, American, 35mm
stereo camera and in fact the only one to be described in the first
edition of this book. It is more conventional than the two models
just described in that it has the usual stereo coupled blade shut-

Fig. 2-3. The Stereo Realist Camera.

ters, and the shutter setting is independent of the film transport
so the camera may be used for space control, hyperstereo or (by
capping one lens) for single color exposures if desired.
The camera measures 6gx2 1Ax2 inches exclusive of sunshades.
It is finished in black with chrome satin trim.
The two 35mm, f3.5 coated lenses are rangefinder controlled.
The finder is a brilliant optical finder with its objective set mid-
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