Abstract stereo, 145
Accommodation, 53
A.C. viewer light, 32
Adapter, Rexo, 7
Adjustable reflector, 26
Advertising, 288
Alignment, rotary, 85, 90
slide, 83
vertical, 85
Alternate projection, 283
American stereoscope, 36
Anaglyph, 167
chromatic, 168
European, 168
free vision, 174
integrated, 171
lenticular, 172
motion picture, 167, 173, 284
polarized, 169, 215
reproduction of, 169
spacing, 171
Aperture, 94
Apochromatic objective, 252
Au tostereo plates, 206
Bar-screen stereogram, 204
Base, continuity of, 4
choice of, 269
determination of increase, 265
long, 61
variations of, 69, 73
Beam splitters, 246
Belling, 251
Berthier, 206
Bessikre, 206
Book Illustration, 295
Book, stereo, 49
Book viewer, 32
Borax developer, 307
Box viewer, 32
Brewster, 207, 211
Brewster sterepscope, 36, 40, 170, 263
Brumberger viewer, 31
Buxh Verascope, 31
Cabinet viewer, 35, 310
Camera angle, 226
Camera mask, 224
Camera, stereoscopic, 54
Alpa Reflex, 239
convergent, 245
folding, 24
Heidoscope. 25
interlocking images, 20
Iloca, 23
level, 93
Personal, 13
Polaroid Land, 8
press, 24
reflex, 25
Rolleidoscope, 21
simple, 4
spacing noimal, 28
Stereoflektoskop, 25
Stereo Realist, 18, 178, 210
stereoscopic, 93
Stereo Vivid, 16
35nini, summar), 27
3-lens, 25
Verascope, 21, 240
Chain stereoacope, 35
Cine-stereo attachment, 274
Classifier, 35
Closeups, 96, 240 ff.
compensation, 187
projection, 187
iotary displacement, 252
side, 187
Color, 119
additive, 167
balance, 120
bombardment, 168, 282
control, 123
error, 119
exposure, 92
filters, 121 ff.
Kelvin degrees, 121
meter, 123, 127, 128
perspective, 133
temperature, 121
visual meter, 123
“white,” 120
Composition, 138
emphasis, 141
selection, 141
Compression lens, 277
Contour gradation, 132
Contour interference, 132, 136
Convergence, 53
absolute, 244
range, 84
Convergent axes, 73
Cryptograms, 58
Cyclopean center, 76
Cyclopean vhion, 42
Cylindrical lens, 277
Daguerreotype, 21 1
Daylight flash, 104, 111
Definition, 9, 95
Depth of parallax, 245
Depth perception, 11, 131, 140
Depth perspective, geometric, 121
Developer, 306