Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

To make the single picture operation comparable to that of stand-
ard miniature cameras (36mm width), the frame width was made
a compromise between the normal stereo and the normal single
frame sizes. If, for any reason, it should be desired to make singlk
pictures, this feature enables one camera to serve both purposes.
This duality is reflected in the counter. The exposure counter
indicates single frames exposed. That is, it advances two units
for each stereo exposure made. It will be seen that all of the novel
features are therefore closely related to one another.
Accessories are being introduced for this camera. Case, filters,
sunshades and the like are now available, as well as flash.
Design, appearance and performance are those which might be
expected from a factory which has produced de luxe stereo equip-
ment for many years.
ILOCA CAMERA, Model 11. This German camera follows the con-
ventional design, being finished in black and chrome, and using
standard 35mm magazines to make pictures of the size produced
by the Realist.
The camera measures 2 l/qx27/sx71/8 inches overall projections,
weighs one pound 15 ounces, and is of trim appearance. The cam-
era is loaded by a removable back which gives full access to the
The lenses are f3.5 Ilitars of 35mm focal length, set in Stereo
Compur shutter. This shutter is speeded up to 1/300 second and
is provided with synchronization, the cable attaching directly to
a front panel contact or directly to the left shutter. All lens and
shutter controls are coupled.
The controls are well designed. A knob set between the lenses
controls the focus. Immediately behind this knob a lever controls
the aperture. Back of this lever is a window in which the shutter
speeds are seen as they are controlled by turning either shutter
rim. All three scales are visible at one glance from the operating
The film transport and shutter are interlocked to prevent dou-
ble exposure, and the lock also acts as a rewind release when re-
winding the exposed film back into the magazine.
This camera has no coupled rangefinder, which to a great
extent accounts for its low price.

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