Three-Dimensional Photography - Principles of Stereoscopy

(Frankie) #1

tice, the U. S. distributors for the Verascope have introduced a
normal, non-transposing viewer.
Like the two just discussed, this viewer is of black plastic ma-
terial, with self contained illumination. In general appearance
it resembles the two types described, but both focus and inter-
pupillary are provided with scales so that the viewer may be pre-
set for any individual needs once the setting has been determined.
Naturally, although this viewer takes the standard size mount,

Fig. 3-4. The Verascope viewer, provided with
calibrated scales for both focus and interocular.
It takes all standard 35mm stereograms includ-
ing the wide Verascope type.

the apertures are designed to accommodate the wide frame which
is characteristic of the Verascope camera.
BRUMBERGER VIEwER.-ThiS viewer is similar in general details
to those which have been described, but does not have the inter-
pupillary adjustment. It is of plastic construction with self con-
tained illumination.
ILLUMINATION.-The color characteristics of any slide are greatly
affected by the color of the viewing light. Viewers with no self
illumination are decidedly unsatisfactory; even the battery pow-
ered viewers are not wholly so, as the color changes as the
batteries lose power. The most satisfactory illumination is that
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