nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

recognizes people are on a path. They need to make the Switch, from nutrient poor to nutrient rich
healthy eating, but usually need some flexible lines and objectives to get started and begin their
nutrition transition. Too much, too far, too fast can be overly challenging, which is part of the
reason why we set the bar high, yet flexible, at 80-ideally 90% or More Plant Based Nutrient

That means if people want to consume smaller amounts of animal products or refined foods, they
can do so freely and still eat nutrient rich on a total basis. Hopefully, when they (you) learn that
animal foods are nutrient-poor, promote disease and rapid aging, are not longevity favorable and
start getting used to nutrient-rich foods, you will want to cut back or eliminate your consumption of
these foods along with countless other refined, junk foods.

It’s all about where you are on the path of eating up to 90% or More Plant Based Nutrient Rich.

It’s Time!

If you...

 Have been addicted to junk food and suffered the consequences of the SAD Standard
American Diet for far too long, only to struggle with weight-loss-only diets that don’t solve
the real problem or work for long;
 Are trying to eat “healthier,” but don’t seem to be able to get ALL the health and weight-loss
benefits promised;
 Want to eat in the healthiest, most successful way, without having to sacrifice convenience,
or great taste, then...

You are ready to make the nutrition transition to 90% or More Plant-Based Nutrient Rich®!

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