Since natural plant foods are highly complex, all of the beneficial compounds they contain have not
even been discovered yet. However, their wide assortment of phytochemicals already identified
seem to be especially important for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system and
preventing most of the preventable diseases that are plaguing society, including diabetes and
One group of phytochemicals found in natural plant foods, known as flavonoids or bioflavonoids are
especially efficient at removing toxins from the body. Flavonoids can be seen as the Swiffer Duster®
of phytochemicals, as they attract and hold on to the “dirt” they collect before being thrown away.
They not only significantly enhance the liver's natural detoxification pathways, but also attract
toxins so they can be harmlessly expelled.^67
There are many other classes of antioxidant phytochemicals. According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book
Super Immunity, phytochemicals play a number of protective roles in the body that are not
performed by vitamins and minerals, such as:^68
Stimulating detoxification enzymes
Controlling the production of free radicals
Deactivating and detoxifying cancer-causing compounds
Protecting cells from damage caused by toxins
Activating pathways that repair damaged DNA
Enhancing the power of immune cells to destroy germs and cancer cells
Many of the phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients in freshly harvested plant
foods are lost or destroyed by modern processing techniques.^69 That’s why it is important to eat
plant-based foods in as close to their whole, natural state as possible.
The Nutrient Rich® Healthy Eating Plan will ensure that you are eating the right mix of foods to
enhance your body's natural detoxification process, resulting in natural weight loss and all of the
other success results.
(NOTE: When you are eating a 90% or more plant-based nutrient-rich diet, the detoxification
process won’t taste anything like the word detoxification sounds. The same great-tasting healthy
way you will be eating for the rest of your life is the way you’ll eat when you are detoxifying. You
generally don’t need to fast, follow a juicing regimen or adopt a Spartan eating style in order to
detox, although your individual situation may call for some health-care-provider-supervised
(^66) Fuhrman J. Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body's Defesnse to Live Longer, Stronger, and
Disease Free. New York, NY: HarperCollins; 2011.
(^67) Ahmed H, Li J, Polson M, Mackie K, Quiroga W, Patil BS. Citrus Limonoids and Flavonoids: Enhancement of Phase II
Detoxification Enzymes and Their Potential in Chemoprevention. In Potential Health Benefits of Citrus. American Chemical
Society; 2006.
(^68) Fuhrman J. Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body's Defesnse to Live Longer, Stronger, and
Disease Free. New York, NY: HarperCollins; 2011.
(^69) Ibid.