nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1
To sum up, the mechanisms that MAY be contributing factors as to why some people fail to
thrive on a purely vegan diet:

 POSSIBLE sub-optimal mineral absorption and utilization due to phytate binding and rapid
intestinal transit time, resulting in sub-optimal tissue enzyme function.

* Note this is not a considered as significant an issue as it once was, since only
approximately 30% of only certain minerals are affected by this from certain foods. And it is
solved by simply eating a little more of those foods, a variety of foods where such phytates
are not involved, and mineral absorption enhancers such as garlic and onions according to Researcher Michael Greger MD^159

 POSSIBLE insufficient synthesis of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, carnitine, creatine and
other nutrients that previously were consumed pre-formed in animal products. Studies
shows that vegetarians have lower levels of carnitine and omega-3 fats in their blood and
tissues. 160

These functional deficiencies would also explain why, when these people re-introduce even
small amounts of flesh foods – with their readily absorbable minerals, and pre-formed carnitine,
etc. —into their diets, they rapidly feel improvement in their strength and well-being.

This places a physician like me in a difficult position. I am a practicing clinician who wants to
see all of my patients thrive with abundant energy, good health and freedom from disease. I am
also a long-time vegan, mostly out of a desire to reduce the violence and death in the world for
which I am responsible—including the death of animals consumed for food. It transgresses
deeply-held beliefs for me to condone or recommend consumption of flesh foods, knowing that I
am possibly sanctioning the death of innocent animals.

So, what is a reasonable path through this physiologic and ethical thicket?

First, I would strongly urge that anyone who wants to maintain a 100% plant-based (vegan diet)
do all they can to optimize consumption and absorption of the nutrients they require:

(^160) Vegetarians have a reduced skeletal muscle carnitine transport capacity. Stephens FB, Kanagaraj M, Cheng Y, Patel N,
Constantin D, Simpson EJ, Greenhaff PL.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jul 13. Am J Clin Nutr. 1989 Aug; 50(2):301-6. Carnitine status of lacto ovo Vegetarians and strict
Vegetarian adults and children Lombard KA, Olson AL, Nelson SE, Rebouche CJ.

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