Take a multivitamin/mineral tablet that has the RDI for zinc, and other minerals. (READ
LABELS—avoid products that have pre-formed Vitamin A, which may increase osteoporosis
and cancer risk, and folic acid which may increase risk of prostate cancer.^161 You get plenty of
natural, safe, folate in green vegetables – you don’t need, or want, folic acid.)
Also take:
Carnitine supplement - 500 mg – 1000 mg in the mornings
Taurine supplement – 1000 mg. daily
DHEA after having levels measured in saliva
As a scientist, I have to recognize that there may possibly be other nutrients found in flesh foods
that are unrecognized at this time. In some people, for the reasons described above, some of
those nutrients may be extremely beneficial, perhaps essential.
Consequently, in my nutritional counseling, I have (reluctantly) come to the point of saying that
if all the above measures have been tried for at least 12 months and NO improvement is noted, I
do not condemn my patients if they add in a small amount of animal-based food, such as the
eggs from the neighbor’s backyard chicken. If a person feels they must eat flesh-based foods to
feel optimally nourished, I urge that they consume the smallest amount possible, and to choose
that which causes the least suffering to animals and damage to the planet.
I make it clear that this intake of flesh should be viewed as medicinal only, and should be taken
for nourishment, not for taste or gluttony. Most of these people find that consuming such
products only once or twice weekly produces the desired effects—and that often decreases over
to once or twice monthly, or can cease altogether.
While eating at least 90% or more plant-based nutrient-rich foods, you may eat a small amount
of refined foods and/ or you may eat a small amount of animal foods. Either way, though my
vegan purist-friends might complain that I am sacrificing my principles, I would rather have
people maintain a 90+percent, whole-foods, plant-based diet than continue largely eat the
standard, Western, animal-based diet which is killing our people and our planet with ever
greater momentum.
If all Americans made whole plant foods 90+ percent of their diet, the health of the nation and
the planet would benefit tremendously. If you can’t go 100% plant-based right away—and you
may never—don’t be deterred. 90% is a wonderful starting point from which to work towards
(^161) Elevated physiological levels of folic acid can increase in vitro growth and invasiveness of prostate cancer cells.
Petersen LF, Brockton NT, Bakkar A, Liu S, Wen J, Weljie AM, Bismar TA. BJU Int. 2011 Jul 19 2010.