nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

will help with individuals who do it and help the planet. 90% will help the planet enormously; if
you can get to 100% plant based, go for it. Many do. But remember that our 90% or more/ 1 0% or
less philosophy is not just about less animal foods, it’s also about less refined foods too.)

Right now you might be saying, “I can’t even imagine eating that healthy at this moment.” That
feeling is okay; that’s just where you are at right now. There is no judgment for where you are on
the path. Just know that when you get to 90%, it will be a very healthy eating style that you will
enjoy and it will take on a life of its own.

My list is not a menu; it’s a description of my top choices at this time, which I created for my own
personal tastes and preferences. You will create your own Top 10s, and it will be easy because it
will include foods you like. Your personal choices will look different. It may also be based on your
lifestyle preferences, activities, and health concerns. Remember, nutrient-rich eating can be done
as a vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian, raw foodists, athlete etc...

The foods in your unique Top 10 at any given time will reflect your preferences, needs, styles and
environment, including:

 Current health condition and objectives. Someone who has lots of weight to lose will
most certainly have a Top Ten that is focused on greens, which are the most nutrient-dense
of all foods and lowest in calories. Someone with high blood pressure, irritable bowel
syndrome, an ulcer or even cancer may choose specific foods based on symptoms,
management, treatment or recovery as well.

 Your level of motivation. Are you driven by all seven of the success results?

 Level of skill. Eating nutrient-rich is a skill, which you improve with experience. The more
you learn about shopping and cooking, your preferences and choices will reflect that.

 Schedule. The pace of your day/week, free time, and level of engagement will be deciding
factors in food choices. Have time for slow meals and cooking? Need to eat on the run?

 Time of year and temperature. The seasons will power your food choices because
different foods are in season at different times of the year. Also cold foods are more
appealing in hot weather and vice versa.

 Desired modality of eating, do you sit down, eat on the run, go to parties and social events,
enjoy solo meals, and eat in the car? Some foods work better than others in given

 Value and ethics. These can always influence your food choices as well.
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