enhanced versions of the book and updates on the web to NutrientRich.com members. Stay active
and you will continue to get the inspiration, education and support that makes you an expert.
You Have Arrived
I am so happy that you are reading Switch to Rich—The Nutrient-Rich Way to Eat. All nutritional
roads ultimately lead to a nutrient-rich healthy eating style, and you have finally arrived. It takes
most people 20 years or more to arrive here—often after years or even decades of unsuccessful
ways of eating. So celebrate!
One of the reasons it may have taken you so long is that discovering The Nutrient Rich Way to Eat
(Part V of this book) is like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. Despite terabytes of food
and nutrition information at our fingertips, and thousands of commercial weight loss diets to date,
we are only now just discovering what it truly means to eat healthy—or more specifically, “nutrient
As a Performance Lifestyle Coach, with a focus in nutrient-rich nutrition, I am a Nutrition Education
Trainer (NET) and the founder of Nutrient Rich Life and http://www.NutrientRich.com. I have made a
lifelong commitment to helping people just like you—from youths, executives and soccer moms to
business owners and retirees—Break Free of the Vicious Cycle of Eating Nutrient-Poor (Part II
of this book) and make the switch to nutrient-rich healthy eating—the cornerstone of a resilient
To be successful today, it has never been more important to live as healthy as you can, in
sustainable ways you enjoy. There are reasons people say “health is your greatest wealth.” It is
because everything you do (if you are going to do it well) depends on it. You must be as resilient as
possible to thrive in today’s challenging and demanding world. No one wants to or can afford to be
sick as a result of how they eat and live. And no one has to be.
Currently more than 70%-95% of modern chronic health problems are lifestyle-induced diseases
that start largely by eating nutrient-poor foods.^1 Also known as diseases of longevity, they have a
lifestyle-based cause. Lifestyle dis-eases are caused mostly by mishandling stress; misinformation
about how to increase energy; and confusion over which foods are healthy. All of these compromise
your quality of life and life expectancy. , They limit you and distract you from your goals.
Only 3% of the population are doing all they can to maintain a healthy life that enables optimal
function. This dismal statistic will have dire consequences if it doesn’t change.^2
(^1) Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association. http://www.lifestylemedicine.com.au/
(^2) Michigan State University. Study Finds Few Adults Living Healthy Lifestyle. http://news.msu.edu/story/31/. April 25,