nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

About John Allen Mollenhauer

John Allen Mollenhauer is a passionate promoter of The NutrientRich® Healthy
Eating style, which is the cornerstone of resilient living.

Also known as John Allen or "JAM", is a certified nutrition education trainer
(NET), a performance lifestyle coach (CPLC), and the founder of Nutrient Rich
Life, Inc. He created to be the complete healthy eating and
resilient living system that would guide people in making the Switch from
nutrient-poor diets to a nutrient rich, healthy eating style they could call their own; the big step to
taking their lifestyle to a whole new level.

He helps people transition the way they eat up to 90% or More Plant-Based Nutrient-Rich®. Step by
step, the system he created at nutrient delivers the most direct path to success.

At a time when it is more important than ever to live sustainably and eco-responsibly, John Allen’s
vision is to help as many people as possible improve the way they eat, think and live. To do so, he
developed the Personal Diet Quality Assessment™, The Nutrient Rich® Score, and The Nutrient
Rich® Healthy Eating Plan, which includes the book Switch to Rich, The Nutrient Rich Way to Eat.

This 4-Step Plan provides people with information on why to make the Switch, how to do it, and
additional steps for shopping, organizing, preparing and eating out, as well as recipes and
information on how to Lose Weight the Nutrient Rich® Way.

John Allen Mollenhauer was one of the first to begin defining and promoting the term, “Nutrient
Rich,” for healthy eating back in 2005, when the USDA Dietary Guidelines recognized nutrient
density as the fundamental principle of nutrition, and the “Low Fat, Low Cal, and Low Carb” diet
fads began to quiet down and pass as fads.

Excited about the opportunity to help define what it meant to eat “healthy,” and to promote a
revolutionary way of eating that people could quickly understand, he created The Food Class
System® at It was one of the first nutrient density-based food indexes ever
created and was inspired by his first hand work with Joel Fuhrman M.D., author of the huge, best
seller Eat to Live and by another huge best seller, The China Study—the most comprehensive study
of nutrition ever conducted, both of which reinforced the idea that less than 10% of the foods you
eat should come from animal products and refined foods, if you eat them at all. In 2006, John Allen
produced, The Top 12 Findings of The China Study, with the authors.

Realizing that eating Nutrient Rich® did not necessarily mean eating 100% Vegan or Vegetarian
(favorable choices nonetheless), but certainly meant eating a predominantly plant-based diet and
knowing that it was a core essential to resilient living, John Allen set out to simplify and explain
nutrient-rich healthy eating so people could get free of the Standard American Diet, weight loss-
only diets, and half-baked “healthier” diets that were not yet nutrient-rich or “healthy” enough for
them to realize their full potentials.

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