nutrient rich® healthy eating

(Ben Green) #1

"The Why Guy," with whom I worked for a number of years. A master of helping people change,
he created the idea of "transformational vocabulary"—change the words you use and you change
the meaning of things, and ultimately how you think and act.

I later co-authored the book The Curse of the Capable with Harvard psychology instructor Arthur P.
Ciaramicoli, PhD. The book was subtitled Change Your Story because the curse of an otherwise
capable person is thinking that does not support what you want, whether it's the way you want to be
eating, the health or success results you want to be experiencing, or anything else. (See

If you don't want to keep repeating the same old story, over and over again, you must change your
story, which will ultimately change the way you think about eating.

If you are going to make the Switch to Rich, the way you think must support the outcomes and
experience you want. That's why the message you are learning here is as important as the meal

Some examples:

Diet Speak:

"I have to eat less food or cut carbs to lose weight.”

REALITY: Not true. Depending on the foods you eat, the volume of food you eat may actually
increase, and you don't need to cut carbs to lose weight—you need carbohydrate to fuel your body;
you need to eat carbohydrate as contained in a nutrient rich healthy eating style, when you are
hungry, Also, focusing on weight loss only does not work.

2 Diet-Speak:

“I ate a Kit Kat and ‘fell off the wagon,’ or ‘fell off my diet.’

REALITY: You didn't fall off anything. There’s no “wagon” to fall off. There’s no “diet” to fall off.
That's a fiction of your imagination. All you did was eat a Kit Kat.

Here is transformational vocabulary to reframe what actually happened.

FACTS: I ate a Kit Kat and it toxified my body and hijacked my taste buds. Now I'm stuck dealing
cravings, which are slowing my forward momentum.

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