Volunteers in the Public and Nonprofi t Sectors 135
Nonprofi ts that can afford to also typically purchase directors and
offi cers (D & O ) insurance to protect the organization and board members
against indemnifi cation costs and any other costs incurred by directors
that would not be covered by the nonprofi t. This type of insurance contract
agrees to pay on behalf of the directors and offi cers of the organization
any fi nancial losses that arise from claims or lawsuits brought against
them for committing some wrongful act.
What should an organization look for in board members? Char-
acteristics identified by O ’ Connell (1988) and Houle (1989) include
distributions in age, sex, location of residence, representatives of the
constituency work being served by the organization, political contacts,
clientele, expertise, and training in the following areas: personnel,
finance, law, fundraising, and public relations. Each board member
should have KSAOCs that contribute to the policymaking and oversight
responsibilities of the board as a whole.
To select new board members, the existing board or its nominating
committee should identify the characteristics needed in new board mem-
bers. The KSAOCs should relate to the organization ’ s mission and objec-
tives. To determine what KSAOCs are needed, the incumbent board
members should be evaluated (Houle, 1989).
Table 5.1 presents a sample grid identifying the match between the
relevant criteria and the incumbent board members. Notice that space
is permitted to add prospective board members to the grid. The grid
identifi es fi ve criteria for determining the composition of the board: age,
gender, residence, background, and responsibilities:
- There should be a greater spread in the ages of the members of the
- The board should be representative of the whole community.
- The board should be evenly divided between men and women.
- Major ethnic groups should be represented in roughly the same
proportion as is found in the population served.
- Board members should have expertise or substantive knowledge
about the programs provided by the agency, or skills in person-
nel, finance, public relations, law, or building maintenance and
This particular board has fi fteen members serving three - year terms. Look
at the members with expiring terms and determine which characteristics
are needed to balance out the board member grid.