142 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations
Exercise 5.2: Screening for Terrorists
The Bush administration plans to screen thousands of people who work
with charities and nonprofi t organizations that receive U.S. Agency for
International Development funds to ensure they are not connected with
individuals or groups associated with terrorism. The plan has aroused con-
cern and debate among some of the larger U.S. charitable organizations
and recipients of U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) fund-
ing. Offi cials of InterAction, representing 165 foreign aid groups, said the
plan would impose undue burdens and has no statutory authority.
The program demands for the fi rst time that nongovernmental orga-
nizations fi le information with the government on each offi cer, board
member, key employee, and those associated with an application for AID
funds or managing a project when funded. The information is to include
name, address, date and place of birth, citizenship, Social Security and
passport numbers, sex, and profession or other employment data. The
data will be used to conduct national security screening to ensure these
persons have no connection to entities or individuals “ associated with
terrorism. ” Under an earlier initiative, nongovernmental organizations
were required to check their own employees and then certify to AID that
they were certain no one was associated with individuals or groups
that appeared on applicable governmental terrorist listings.
- How might the new policy increase the recruitment, screening, and
selection of employees and board members working for nongovern-
mental organizations that receive AID funding? - Do you think the new policy will be effective in screening out indi-
viduals and groups associated with terrorism activities? What might be
some unanticipated HRM consequences? Explain your answer.
Source: Pincus (2007).