Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

(vip2019) #1
Benefi ts 295

prohibits employers from discriminating against employees and applicants
on the basis of genetic information and bans the collection of genetic
information except in limited circumstances. The EEOC will be developing
regulations to enforce the law, which is expected to take effect eighteen
months after it is signed.

Retiree Health Benefits Many public sector employers offer health
benefi ts to retirees. Retirement health benefi ts are also often offered to
employees in unionized organizations and to high - ranking executives in
the nonprofi t and private sectors. A study conducted by the Pew Cen-
ter on States found that $ 370 billion is needed for future retiree health
care and other nonpension benefi ts such as dental and life insurance.
Many local governments are facing deficits as well, and some have
discontinued retiree health care benefi ts (Chan, 2008; Gelbart, 2008;
Prah, 2007).

Additional Health Benefi ts More insurance programs are also beginning
to offer dental, optical, and prescription drug benefits in addition to
traditional medical coverage.

Disability Benefi ts Insurance

Disability benefi ts are paid to employees who become disabled before qual-
ifying for regular or early retirement benefi ts. Generally, disability benefi ts
insurance provides a monthly benefi t to employees who cannot work for an
extended period of time due to injury or illness. Some employees, however,
are not insured for long - term disability but are eligible for an immediate
disability pension through their retirement plans. In most instances, long -
term disability payments are a fi xed percentage of predisability earnings.
Most plans distinguish between disability attributed to an accident on the
job, which pays higher benefi ts and has fewer requirements with respect
to years of service, and disability that is not job related.

Paid Time Away from Work

Most employers grant employees paid sick leave, vacation days, holidays,
and personal days. Employers are not obligated to grant these benefi ts, and
they vary across organizations.
In many public organizations, employees who accumulate their sick
and vacation days are able to cash them in for compensation when they retire.
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