334 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations
Exhibit 11.2. Leadership Competencies Expected of Senior Executive
Service Executives (coutinued)
Political Savvy. Identifi es the internal and external politics that impact the work of the
organization. Approaches each problem situation with a clear perception of organi-
zational and political reality; recognizes the impact of alternative courses of action.
Written Communication. Expresses facts and ideas in writing in a clear, convincing,
and organized manner
Source: U.S. Offi ce of Personnel Management. Senior Executive Service (2008).
An example of an executive development program in the nonprofi t
sector is one developed by the YMCA of the USA ’ s national headquar-
ters. Senior managers at the YMCA ’ s 1,966 affi liates across the country
nominate people who demonstrate leadership potential to the national
headquarters, which selects the participants. This program is designed
to develop nonwhite leaders from within the organization. The YMCA
assigns participants to a senior - level leader who will coach them through
a twelve - to eighteen - month set of courses, retreats, and tests to prepare
them to take the next step up the organizational ladder, usually to a chief
executive or executive director position (Anft, 2007).
Training is the systematic process by which employees learn the KSAOCs
necessary to do their jobs. It is typically associated with improving the
performance, knowledge, or skill of employees in their current positions.
Career development is viewed as a continuous process consisting of evaluat-
ing abilities and interests, establishing career goals, and planning develop-
mental activities that relate to employees ’ and the organization ’ s future
needs. Organizations must recognize the importance of both training
and career development planning and provide career enhancement and
developmental opportunities.
Given the advances and greater availability in technology, employees
and agencies have a greater variety of training methods to select from.
E - learning and technology - based training have become more common.