Strategic Human Resource Management and Technology 385
Compensation and Benefi ts
At a higher level of HRIS is the integration of payroll operations with the
HRIS and benefi ts unit in HR. Government regulations and the complex-
ity of benefi ts in many organizations warrant HRM expertise. Effi ciency
can be enhanced when payroll and HR systems are interfaced or inte-
grated, because data entry and maintenance can be reduced.
When payroll operations are moved to the HR department, the ben-
efi ts and compensation expertise of the HR specialists makes certain that
benefi ts plans remain qualifi ed under government regulations, ensures the
accuracy of payroll deductions for HR - managed plans, and provides
the opportunity to answer employees ’ questions about pay and benefi ts, in
person or through interactive HRIS technology.
When organizations offer fl exible benefi ts plans to employees, HRIS
can be used to communicate information to the employees that can have
an impact on the costs of benefi ts and their administration. Employees can
obtain information about the benefi ts available and make changes in their
plans by enrolling in new benefi ts, adding or changing dependents, chang-
ing the amount of monthly savings deducted from paychecks, making a
cash withdrawal, taking out a loan, or withdrawing from a plan altogether.
In some systems these decisions are supported by a simple “ what if? ”
analysis that shows the employee choices, pension projections, how much
would be saved after fi ve years at a certain rate of deduction, and so on.
Direct access to benefi ts plans and employees ’ ability to self - enroll or
change benefi ts reduces staffi ng requirements in the benefi ts department,
eliminates paperwork, and otherwise improves the administration of benefi ts.
New employees who want to know when they are eligible to enroll in a cer-
tain plan can fi nd this information without going to the benefi ts department,
a change in dependents covered by health insurance can be made without
paperwork, and retirement benefi ts at different ages can be projected.
Career Planning and Management Staffi ng Systems
Employees can use the HRIS for career planning and staffi ng systems. At
the simplest level, electronic bulletin boards list basic job posting informa-
tion and at a more complex level include online position descriptions, job
advertisements when openings arise, r é sum é s of all covered employees,
knowledge - based assessment modules, and systematic procedures that
link qualifi ed candidates and open positions, providing managers with the
backgrounds and r é sum é s of employees and applicants who meet the posi-
tion requirements.