Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

(vip2019) #1

394 Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofi t Organizations

Chapter Questions

  1. In small groups, describe Web - based human resources information sys-
    tems you are familiar with. Based on your own experiences and Inter-
    net research, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of employees
    using a Web - based HRIS. What HRIS services are most convenient
    for employees?

  2. In small groups, discuss how technology has transformed your job.
    Share with your group members initiatives that your organizations has
    established to meet the technology challenges.

Online Activities

  1. In a small group, use the Web sites of Governing Magazine, Government
    Technology Executive News , and the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Have each
    individual discuss the most recent topics being discussed. After the
    topics have been presented, discuss where the topics overlap. Do dif-
    ferences exist among the technology topics of public and nonprofi t

  2. Using the Internet, conduct research in identifying three HRIS systems
    and the companies that develop them. Develop criteria to evaluate the
    systems. Then use these criteria to prepare a presentation summariz-
    ing what you believe to be the benefi ts of each and introducing the
    companies that developed them.

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