Public and nonprofi t organizations are confronting a variety of economic,
technological, legal, and cultural changes with which they must cope effec-
tively if they are to remain viable. The key to viability is well - trained and
fl exible employees. To be responsive to the constantly changing environ-
ment, agencies must integrate their human resources management (HRM)
needs with their long - term strategic plans. The fi ve chapters in Part One
explain how society and workplaces have changed and what the strategic
human resources management (SHRM) implications of these changes are
for organizations.
Chapter One discusses some of the differences between public sector
agencies and nonprofi t organizations. It reviews some of the external fac-
tors that affect the internal operations of an organization, such as changes
in economic conditions and the fi scal uncertainty that such changes can
bring to an agency, and the social and cultural changes affecting the demo-
graphic composition of the workforce. Most organizations today have a
more diverse group of employees than ever before, bringing different expe-
riences and new expectations into the organization. The legal environment
must always be monitored for change. Equal employment opportunity,
labor relations, and compensation and benefi ts are all regulated by law.
There is also an increased emphasis on accountability and perfor-
mance management in public and nonprofi t organizations. Staff need
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