Although our player should throw each symbol equally often, our data suggest that she
is throwing Rock more often than would be expected. However this may just be a random
deviation due to chance. Even if you are deliberately randomizing your throws, one is
likely to come out more frequently than others. (Moreover, people are notoriously poor at
generating random sequences.) What we want is a goodness-of-fit test to ask whether the
deviations from what would be expected by chance are large enough to lead us to conclude
that this child’s throws weren’t random, but that she was really throwing Rock at greater
than chance levels.
The statistic for these data using the observed and expected frequencies given in
Table 6.3 follows. Notice that it is a simple extension of what we did when we had two
In this example we have three categories and thus 2 df. The critical value of on 2 df 5
5.99, and we have no reason to doubt that our player was equally likely to throw each
6.3 Two Classification Variables: Contingency Table Analysis
In the previous examples we considered the case in which data are categorized along only
one dimension (classification variable). More often, however, data are categorized with
respect to two (or more) variables, and we are interested in asking whether those variables
are independent of one another. To put this in the reverse, we often are interested in asking
whether the distribution of one variable is contingenton a second variable. (Statisticians
often use the phrase “conditional on” instead of “contingent on,” but they mean the same
thing. I mention this because you will see the word “conditional” appearing often in this
chapter.) In this situation we will construct a contingency tableshowing the distribution
of one variable at each level of the other variable. A good example of such a test concerns
the controversial question of whether or not there is racial bias in the assignment of death
There have been a number of studies over the years looking at whether the imposition
of a death sentence is affected by the race of the defendant (and/or the race of the victim).
You will see an extended example of such data in Exercise 6.41. Peterson (2001) reports
data on a study by Unah and Borger (2001) examining the death penalty in North Carolina
in 1993–1997. The data in Table 6.4 show the outcome of sentencing for white and non-
white (mostly black and Hispanic) defendants when the victim was white. The expected
frequencies are shown in parentheses.
Expected Frequencies for Contingency Tables
The expected frequencies in a contingency table represent those frequencies that we would
expect if the two variables forming the table (here, race and sentence) were independent.
For a contingency table the expected frequency for a given cellis obtained by multiplying
x^2 = a
(O 2 E)^2
Section 6.3 Two Classification Variables: Contingency Table Analysis 145