relationship between gender and admissions than did the other five departments, which
were largely homogeneous in that respect. The Mantel-Haenszel statistic is based on the
assumption that departments are homogeneous with respect to the pattern of admissions.
The obvious question following the result of our analysis of these data concerns why it
should happen. How is it that there is a clear bias toward men in the aggregated data, but
no such bias when we break the results down by department. If you calculate the percent-
age of applicants admitted by each department, you will find that Departments A, B, and D
admit over 50% of their applicants, and those are also the departments to which males ap-
ply in large numbers. On the other hand, women predominate in applying to Departments
C and E, which are among the departments who reject two-thirds of their applicants. In
other words, women are admitted at a lower rate overall because they predominately apply
to departments with low admittance rates (for both males and females). This is obscured
when you sum across departments.
6.11 Effect Sizes
The fact that a relationship is “statistically significant” does not tell us very much about
whether it is of practical significance. The fact that two independent variables are not sta-
tistically independent does not necessarily mean that the lack of independence is important
or worthy of our attention. In fact, if you allow the sample size to grow large enough, al-
most any two variables would likely show a statistically significant lack of independence.
What we need, then, are ways to go beyond a simple test of significance to present one
or more statistics that reflect the size of the effect we are looking at. There are two differ-
ent types of measures designed to represent the size of an effect. One type, called the
d-familyby Rosenthal (1994), is based on one or more measures of the differencesbe-
tween groups or levels of the independent variable. For example, as we will see shortly, the
probability of receiving a death sentence is about 5% points higher for defendants who are
nonwhite. The other type of measure, called the r-family,represents some sort of correla-
tion coefficient between the two independent variables. We will discuss correlation thor-
oughly in Chapter 9, but I will discuss these measures here because they are appropriate at
this time. Measures in the r-family are often called “measures of association.”
An Example
An important study of the beneficial effects of small daily doses of aspirin on reducing
heart attacks in men was reported in 1988. Over 22,000 physicians were administered as-
pirin or a placebo over a number of years, and the incidence of later heart attacks was
recorded. The data follow in Table 6.10. Notice that this design is a prospective study
Section 6.11 Effect Sizes 159
Table 6.9 Observed and expected frequencies for Berkeley data
Department O 11 E 11 Variance
A 512 531.43 21.913
B 353 354.19 5.572
C 120 114.00 47.861
D 138 141.63 44.340
E 53 48.08 24.251
F 22 24.03 10.753
Total B-F 686 681.93 132.777
measures of