Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
The rate at which the sampling distribution of the mean approaches normal as nin-
creases is a function of the shape of the parent population. If the population is itself nor-
mal, the sampling distribution of the mean will be normal regardless of n. If the population
is symmetric but nonnormal, the sampling distribution of the mean will be nearly normal
even for small sample sizes, especially if the population is unimodal. If the population is
markedly skewed, sample sizes of 30 or more may be required before the means closely
approximate a normal distribution.
To illustrate the central limit theorem, suppose we have an infinitely large population
of random numbers evenly distributed between 0 and 100. This population will have what
is called a uniform (rectangular) distribution—every value between 0 and 100 will be
equally likely. The distribution of 50,000 observations drawn from this population is shown
in Figure 7.1. You can see that the distribution is very flat, as would be expected. For uni-
form distributions the mean (m) is known to be equal to one-half of the range (50), the stan-
dard deviation (s) is known to be equal the range divided by the square root of 12, which
in this case is 28.87, and the variance ( ) is thus 833.33.
Now suppose we drew 5000 samples of size 5 (n 5 5) from this population and plotted
the resulting sample means. Such sampling can be easily accomplished with a simple com-
puter program; the results of just such a procedure are presented in Figure 7.2a, with a nor-
mal distribution superimposed. It is apparent that the distribution of means, although not
exactly normal, is at least peaked in the center and trails off toward the extremes. (In fact
the superimposed normal distribution fits the data quite well.) The mean and standard
deviation of this distribution are shown, and they are extremely close to m550 and

. Any discrepancy between the actual values and those
predicted by the central limit theorem is attributable to rounding error and to the fact that
we did not draw an infinite number of samples.
Now suppose we repeated the entire procedure, only this time drawing 5000 samples
of 30 observations each. The results for these samples are plotted in Figure 7.2b. Here you

sX=s> 1 n=28.87> 15 =12.91


Section 7.1 Sampling Distribution of the Mean 181

Individual observations









Figure 7.1 50,000 observations from a uniform distribution


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