Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
level of significance, rather than always using at the alevel of significance. This suggestion
was then modified by Einot and Gabriel (1975) to set

and then again by Welsch (1977) to keep the Einot and Gabriel suggestion but to allow
to remain at afor r 5 k, and r 5 k 2 1. These changes hold the overall familywise error
rate at awhile giving greater power than does Tukey to some comparisons. (Notice the
similarity in the first two of these suggestions to the way ais adjusted by the Bonferroni
and the Dunn- Sidák procedures.)ˇ
What these proposals really do is to allow you to continue to use the tables of the Stu-
dentized Range Distribution, but instead of always looking for at a5.05, for example,
you look for at a5 , which is likely to be some unusual fractional value. The problem
is that you don’t have tables that give at any values other than a5.05 or a5.01. Com-
puter software can compute the necessary values without blinking an eye, and, since
almost all computations are done using software, there is no particular problem.
One way that you can run the Ryan procedure(or the Ryan/Einot/Gabriel/Welsch pro-
cedure) is to use SPSS or SAS and request multiple comparisons using the REGWQ
method. The initials refer to the authors and to the fact that it uses the Studentized Range
Distribution (q). For those who have access to SPSS or other software that will implement
this procedure, I recommend it over either the Newman–Keuls or the Tukey, because it ap-
pears to be the most powerful test generally available that still keeps the familywise error
rate at a. Those who don’t have access to the necessary software will have to fall back on
one of the more traditional tests. The SAS output for the REGWQ procedure (along with
the Student–Newman–Keuls, the Tukey, and the Scheffé tests) are presented later in the
chapter so that you can examine the results. In this situation the conclusions to be drawn
from the REGWQ and Tukey tests are the same, although you can see the difference in
their critical ranges.

The Scheffé Test

The post hoc tests we have considered all involve pairwise comparisons of means. One of
the best-known tests, which is both broader and more conservative, was developed by
Henry Scheffé (1953). Scheffé was impressed by Tukey’s concept of a family error rate
and set out to create a test that would allow any kind of contrast (pairwise or not, a priori
or post hoc) and would hold the familywise error rate at for the entire set. The Scheffé
test,which uses the Fdistribution rather than the Studentized range statistic, sets the fam-
ilywise error rate at aagainst all possible linear contrasts, not just pairwise contrasts. If
we let


Scheffé has shown that if is evaluated against —rather
than against —the FWis at most a. (Note that all that we have done is to cal-
culate Fon a standard linear contrast, but we have evaluated that Fagainst a modified crit-
ical value.) Although this test has the advantage of holding constant FWfor all possible
linear contrasts—not just pairwise ones—it pays a heavy price; it has the least power of all

Fa(1, dferror)

Fobt (k 2 1)Fa(k 2 1, dferror)





c= aajXj and SScontrast=

ga^2 j



qr ar



ar= 12 (12a)^1 >(k>r)= 12 (12a)r>k


394 Chapter 12 Multiple Comparisons Among Treatment Means

Ryan procedure


Scheffé test

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