Statistical Methods for Psychology

(Michael S) #1
ran a one-way with young participants and then another one-way with old participants, we
would need twice as many participants overall for each of our experiments to have the
same power to detect Condition differences—that is, each experiment would have to have
20 participants per condition, and we would have two experiments.
Factorial designs are labeled by the number of factors involved. A factorial design with
two independent variables, or factors, is called a two-way factorial, and one with three fac-
tors is called a three-way factorial. An alternative method of labeling designs is in terms of
the number of levels of each factor. Eysenck’s study had two levels of Age and five levels
of Condition. As such, it is a 2 3 5 factorial.A study with three factors, two of them hav-
ing three levels and one having four levels, would be called a 3 33 3 4 factorial. The use
of such terms as “two-way” and “2 3 5” are both common ways of designating designs,
and both will be used throughout this book.
In much of what follows, we will concern ourselves primarily with the two-way analy-
sis. Higher-order analyses follow almost automatically once you understand the two-way,
and many of the related problems we will discuss are most simply explained in terms of
two factors. For most of the chapter, we will also limit our discussion to fixed—as opposed
to random—models, as these were defined in Chapter 11. You should recall that a fixed fac-
tor is one in which the levels of the factor have been specifically chosen by the experi-
menter and are the only levels of interest. A random model involves factors whose levels
have been determined by some random process and the interest focuses on all possible lev-
els of that factor. Gender or “type of therapy” are good examples of fixed factors, whereas
if we want to study the difference in recall between nouns and verbs, the particular verbs
that we use represent a random variable because our interest is in generalizing to all verbs.


Consider a hypothetical experiment with two variables, Aand B. A design of this type is
illustrated in Table 13.1. The number of levels of Ais designated by a, and the number of

Introduction 415

Table 13.1 Representation of factorial design
B 1 B 2 ... Bb
X 111 X 121 ... X 1 b 1
X 112 X 122 X 1 b 2
A 1 ...... ...
X 11 n X 12 n X 1 bn

X 211 X 221 ... X 2 b 1
X 212 X 222 X 2 b 2
A 2 ...... ...
X 21 n X 22 n X 2 bn

... ............
Xa 11 Xa 21 Xab 1
Xa 12 Xa 22 Xab 2
Aa ...... ...
Xa 1 n Xa 2 n Xabn

X.1 X.2 ... X.b X..

Xa 1 Xa 2 Xab


X 21 X 22 X 2 b


X 11 X 12 X 1 b


2 3 5 factorial

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