freedom for any interaction is simply the product of the degrees of freedom for the com-
ponents of that interaction. Thus,.
These three rules apply to anyanalysis of variance, no matter how complex. The
degrees of freedom for error can be obtained either by subtraction (
), or by realizing that the error term represents variability
within each cell. Since each cell has n 21 df, and since there are accells,
Just as with the one-way analysis of variance, the mean squares are again obtained by
dividing the sums of squares by the corresponding degrees of freedom. This same proce-
dure is used in any analysis of variance.
Finally, to calculate F, we divide each MSby. Thus for Age, ;
for Condition, ; and for AC,. To appreciate why
is the appropriate divisor in each case, we will digress briefly in a moment and con-
sider the underlying structural model and the expected mean squares. First, however, we
need to consider what the results of this analysis tell us.
From the summary table in Table 13.2c, you can see that there were significant effects for
Age, Condition, and their interaction. In conjunction with the means, it is clear that
younger participants recall more items overall than do older participants. It is also clear
that those tasks that involve greater depth of processing lead to better recall overall than do
tasks involving less processing. This is in line with the differences we found in Chapter 11.
The significant interaction tells us that the effect of one variable depends on the level of the
other variable. For example, differences between older and younger participants on the eas-
ier tasks such as counting and rhyming are less than age differences on tasks, such as im-
agery and intentional, that involve greater depths of processing. Another view is that
differences among the five conditions are less extreme for the older participants than they
are for the younger ones.
These results support Eysenck’s hypothesis that older participants do not perform as
well as younger participants on tasks that involve a greater depth of processing of informa-
tion, but perform about equally with younger participants when the task does not involve
much processing. These results do not mean that older participants are not capableof pro-
cessing information as deeply. Older participants simply may not make the effort that
younger participants do. Whatever the reason, however, they do not perform as well on
those tasks.
13.2 Structural Models and Expected Mean Squares
Recall that in discussing a one-way analysis of variance, we employed the structural model
where represented the effect of the jth treatment. In a two-way design we
have two “treatment” variables (call them Aand B) and their interaction. These can be rep-
resented in the model by a, b, and ab, producing a slightly more complex model. This
model can be written as
Xijk=m1ai1bj1abij 1 eijk
Xij=m1tj 1 eij
MSerror FA=MSA>MSerror
ac(n 2 1)= 23539 = 90
dferror 5
dftotal 2 dfA 2 dfC 2 dfAC
dferror 5
dfAC=dfA 3 dfC=(a 2 1)(c 2 1)= 134 = 4
420 Chapter 13 Factorial Analysis of Variance