synonymous with. (A subject total and an individual score are identical.) As a result,
differences among subjects would be inseparable from error, and in fact would be
the sum of what, for the repeated-measures design, are and ( 5 230.4 1
486.71 5 717.11 on 32 18 540 df). This would lead to
which, although still significant, is less than one-half of what it was in Table 14.3.
To put it succinctly, subjects differ. When subjects are observed only once, these sub-
ject differences contribute to the error term. When subjects are observed repeatedly, we can
obtain an estimate of the degree of subject differences and partial these differences out of
the error term. In general, the greater the differences among subjects, the higher the corre-
lations between pairs of treatments. The higher the correlations among treatments, the
greater the relative power of repeated-measures designs.
We have been speaking of the simple case in which we have one independent variable
(other than subjects) and test each subject on every level of that variable. In actual practice,
there are many different ways in which we could design a study using repeated measures.
For example, we could set up an experiment using two independent variables and test each
subject under all combinations of both variables. Alternatively, each subject might serve
under only one level of one of the variables, but under all levels of the other. If we had three
variables, the possibilities are even greater. In this chapter we will discuss only a few of the
possible designs. If you understand the designs discussed here, you should have no diffi-
culty generalizing to even the most complex problems.
14.5 Contrasts and Effect Sizes in Repeated Measures Designs
As we did in the case of one-way and factorial designs, we need to consider how to run
contrasts among means of repeated measures variables. Fortunately there is not really
much that is new here. We will again be comparing the mean of a condition or set of condi-
tions against the mean of another condition or set of conditions, and we will be using the
same kinds of coefficients that we have used all along.
In our example the first two weeks were Baseline measures, and the last three weeks
were Training measures. Our omnibus Ftold us that there were statistically significant dif-
ferences among the five Weeks, but not where those differences lie. Now I would like to
contrast the means of the set of Baseline weeks with the mean of the set of Training weeks.
The coefficients that will do this are shown below, along with the means.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Coefficient 1/2 1/2 2 1/3 2 1/3 2 1/3
Mean 22.333 22.000 9.333 5.778 6.778
Just as we have been doing, we will define our contrast as
=22.166 2 7.296=14.870
22.333 1 22.000
9.333 1 5.778 1 6.778
b(22.333) 1 a
b(22.000) 1 a 2
b(9.333) 1 a 2
b(5.778) 1 a 2
cN =aaiXi
SSerror SSbetween subj
Section 14.5 Contrasts and Effect Sizes in Repeated Measures Designs 469