If we temporarily ignore intervals entirely (e.g., we simply collect our data over the en-
tire session rather than breaking it down into 5-minute intervals), we can think of the study
as producing the following data:
474 Chapter 14 Repeated-Measures Designs
Control Same Different
88.333 211.500 197.500
211.500 233.500 148.167
100.667 186.000 161.000
137.333 116.333 152.500
62.333 236.333 159.167
207.000 244.000 63.500
154.833 299.833 103.167
85.000 324.667 172.333
130.875 231.521 144.667
where the “raw scores” in this table are the subject means from Table 14.4. Because each sub-
ject is represented only once in these totals, the analysis we will apply here is the same as a
one-way analysis of variance on independent groups. Indeed, except for a constant represent-
ing the number of scores per subject (which cancels out in the end), the sums of squares for
the simple one-way on these data would be the same as those in the actual analysis. The Fthat
tests the main effect of Groups if this were a simple one-way on subject totals would be equal
to the one that we will obtain from the full analysis. Thus, the between-subjects partition of
the total variation can be seen as essentially a separate analysis of variance, with its own error
term (sometimes referred to as errorbetween) independent of the within-subjects effects.
Partitioning the Within-Subjects Effects
Next consider the within-subjects element of the partition of. As we have already seen,
this is itself partitioned into three terms. A comparison of the six intervals involves compar-
isons of scores from the same subject, and thus Intervals is a within-subjects term—it depends
on differences within each subject. Since Intervals is a within-subjects term, the interaction of
Intervals with Groups is also a within-subjects effect. The third term (Intervals 3 Ss within
groups) is sometimes referred to as since it is the error term for the within-subjects
effects. The term is actually the sum of the sums of squares for the
I 3 Sinteractions calculated separately for each group. Thus, it can be seen as logically equiv-
alent to the error term used in the previous design.
The Analysis
Before considering the analysis in detail, it is instructive to look at the general pattern of re-
sults. Although there are not enough observations in each cell to examine the distributions
in any serious way, it is apparent that on any given interval there is substantial variability
within groups. For example, for the second interval in the control group, scores range from
0 to 270. There do not appear to be any extreme outliers, however, as often happens in this
kind of research, and the variances within cells, although large, are approximately equal.
You can also see that there are large individual differences, with some of the animals consis-
tently showing relatively little ambulatory behavior and some showing a great deal. These
are the kinds of differences that will be partialled out by our analysis. Looking at the Interval
means, you will see that, as expected, behavior decreased substantially after the first
5-minute interval and then increased slightly during the rest of the session. Finally, looking
at the difference between the means for the Control and Same groups, you will see the
SSIntervals 3 Ss w/in groups